“Although they appear from their language to be of the same stock as the Chepewyans, they differ from them in appearance, manners, and customs, as they had adopted those of their former enemies, the Knisteneaux [Cree]; they speak their language, as well as cut their hair, paint, and dress like them, and possess their immoderate fondness for liquor and tobacco. This description, however, can be applied only to the men, as the women are less adorned even those of the Chepewyan tribes.”
Mackenzie’s account of the Knisteneaux [Cree] is very interesting but too lengthy to include here. Readers interested in it will find it about 90 pages into his introduction [a history of the fur trade] to hisVoyages from Montreal on the River St Laurence, through the continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans ….