13-017: RCMP Detachment in Dawson Creek, May 2002
In early May 2002 the Peace River Block News Published a Police Week supplement. This list of the members of the Dawson Creek Detachment of the RCMP is taken from that publication.
- Staff Sgt G.H. Falk
Sergeant Hilton Smee |
Corporal R.D. Aird |
Constable G.G. Demyen |
Constable N.M. Cross |
- Constable K.P. McCracken
- Corporal J. Young
Constable T.A. Harink |
Constable M.H.E.O. Arisman |
Constable W.G. Wallace |
Corporal C.K. Wilde |
Constable S. Evans |
Constable A.T. Zubyck |
Constable M.J. Richard |
Constable A.D. Sutherland |
Corporal R. Roy |
Constable S.D. Morgan |
Constable T.M. Link |
Constable S.J. McChesney |
Constable Perry Penny |
Constable Craig Douglass |
Constable E. Fryer |
Constable M. Sargent |
Constable Jason Keays |
Constable R. Van de Pol |
Constable Jayson Davidson |
Constable Tom Henetiuk |
Constable Tim Hawkes |
Constable Grant Desmet |