LL04: Historian’s Report, 1950-51


The minutes for the year 1950-51 start in the “old Book” in August 1950 so are not complete but this is some of the information I have gleaned. Mrs Glen Braden — President; Mrs Charles Ho Lem — Recording Secretary; Mrs Windrem — Corresponding Secretary and Mrs Mellor — Treasurer.

Some of the papers that were read during the year for our edification were as follows:

  • An excerpt from the Prime Minister’s speech re: “A Woman’s place in the Liberal Party” (read by Mrs Mellor)
  • An excerpt from Mme. Vautilet: “Women’s Place in Canadian Politics” (read by Mrs Carlin)
  • A speech by Senator Turgeon on Atomic Bombs
  • An article on PFA (read by Mrs Carlin)
  • Address by Nancy Hodges, MLA, retiring President of NFLW (read by Mrs Kerr)
  • On the new President of NFLW, Mrs O’Regan (read by Mrs Mellor)
  • A continuation of Mme. Vautilet’s article (read by Mrs Lawrence)


Mrs Doug Blair, Executive Secretary of NFLW wrote stating that the Liberal Magazine was getting out a McKenzie King Memorial Edition and we ordered copies.

Our President suggested that the December meeting take the form of a Christmas Party. It was moved that we take a collection to provide two hampers for two needy families. Mrs Coswain and Mrs Sutton offered to take care of this.

A singsong of Xmas Carols with Mrs Noakes and Mrs Glen Braden at the piano was enjoyed, as were two solos by Miss Grace Platt, a visitor to our club.

The Birthday party was held in the Anglican Church Hall on January 9th. No report was entered in the Minutes. However, the Executive minutes state that Mrs Watson, Mrs Ross Braden and Mrs Jones offered to arrange games and Mrs Sutton consented to make the birthday cake. Mrs Collins, Mrs Varco, Sr., Mrs Floyd Wilson, Mrs C.M. Kennedy, Mrs W. Scales and Mrs McCrea offered to act as refreshment committee. It sounds like a pretty well organized party.

It was at the January Executive meeting that the President suggested “that in future a member of long standing in the Party be asked to cut the birthday cake and be given a corsage by the club.”

The Club wrote Senator Turgeon and asked that he use his influence to procure a 3-month leave of absence for Mrs Margaret Bullen from her position as Assistant Post Mistress at the Post Office for a trip to Scotland. Mrs Bullen had not been back to her home in Scotland since she left some twenty years previously. We had a letter from Mr. Turgeon saying that he was happy to say that our request had been granted.

At the March meeting Mrs Bowie read the constitution as compiled by Mrs Watson and each item was discussed. Mrs Bowie was then instructed to have a book of By-Laws printed. This is still our club’s guide.

During this year it had been decided to give a scholarship to the High School. After much discussion it was decided that since this is an agricultural community we give an Agricultural Scholarship. The sum agreed on was $75. Mrs Ross Braden attended a Bursary meeting at the High School where we learned that a four-year course in agriculture was just commencing. It was suggested by Miss Daphne Phillips that since it would be four years before we could give a scholarship, it would be appreciated if we helped a needy student to pay his dorm fees for that one year. I don’t think the members understood this suggestion perfectly or they would never, I’m sure, have turned it down as they did.

The Scholarship Fund was set up and it was decided to hold a card party each year to raise the money.

During the year, a card party and a box social were held in the Veterans’ Hall to raise money for the club. At one of these, the caretaker’s wife gave birth to a daughter in their living quarters at the rear. The father came out and asked for help so some of the ladies came to his aid while one of the men went for a doctor. They named the baby “Laurette” in our honour.

This then are the items we deemed worthy of historical note for the 1950-51 years.