Table of Contents
- Part 1: First Nations of the Peace River Region
- Part 2: The Fur Trade Era
- Part 3: Transportation and Communication
- Part 4: Old Timers and the Price of Land
- Part 5: Dawson Creek: The Story of the Community
- Part 6: Mysteries, Adventures and Indian Legends
- Part 7: Arts, Crafts and Recreation
- Part 8: Agriculture
- Part 9: Church Histories
- Part 10: Schools
- Part 11: Health Care
- Part 12: Industries and Enterprises
- Part 13: Policing the Peace
- Part 14: Pouce Coupe, Rolla, and Other South Peace Communities
- Part 15: Chetwynd and the Fort St. John Area
- Part 16: The Alberta Peace
- Part 17: Natural History of the Peace River Region
- Part 18: Interviews with Old Timers
- Part 19: Remembering Our Veterans
03-042: Mary Gibson Henry – The Spunky Little Lady Who Showed the Alaska Highway Where to go
By Dorthea Calverley Exploring expeditions were no novelty in the Upper Peace region before the early 1930’s. There were two extraordinary ones in quick succession. The most spectacular was the comic-opera Bedeaux effort in 1934 which set off with much fanfare, headed for Telegraph Creek. But, bedeviled by bad luck and bad management, it abandoned its… Read More
03-043: Further Explorations by Mary Gibson Henry
By Dorthea Calverley1932Mary Gibson Henry had indeed drunk deeply of the waters of the Peace and she had to come back again! In June 1932 she “felt a longing to revisit the wonderful unmapped wilderness.” Telegrams to McCusker resulted in a small party of three men and only twenty-one horses being assembled for a short… Read More
03-044: Three Intrepid Ladies Defy the Rocky Mountains
By Dorthea Calverley In the third decade of the twentieth century, three unusual, wealthy, gentle but very determined ladies quietly set out to make history in our Canadian Rockies. One of them was Mrs. Mary Gibson Henry. Pouce Coupe and Dawson Creek were jumping off places for several adventures which, less than seven years later, showed… Read More
03-045: The Mary Henry Gibson Explorations
By Dorthea Calverley THE ARRIVAL OF THE HENRY EXPLORATION PARTY, 1931 The Northern Alberta Railway’s twice-a-week passenger train must have been on time for once at 6 p.m. at Pouce Coupe on June 30, 1931. Or else it was a whole day late! It must have been a very tired party that alighted, for they… Read More
03-046: The First Car Into Hudson’s Hope
By Dorthea CalverleyNote: There are other versions of this event. This particular account is just one of them. November 4, 1978 10532 Alaska Rd. Fort St. John B.C. VIJ 4H7 Dear Mrs. Calverley, Your query of 10/29/78 [October 29, 1978] just to hand. It brings up a “sleeping dog” matter at which I have wondered… Read More
03-047: The Peace Region Internet Society
By Gerry Clare from notes provided by Arvo Koppel and Craig Young 1999 The Peace Region Internet Society was formed as a “not-for-profit” society in 1994 to provide affordable access to the Internet for individuals, businesses and organizations in the Peace Region of Northern British Columbia. The society, commonly known as PRIS, is registered under… Read More
03-048: My Experience on the Alaska Highway
By Albert (Bert) Martin In May of 1942 I was hired by the R. Melville Smith Company as a Cat operator along with five other men to unload machinery at the railhead at Dawson Creek. It was our job to unload trainloads of construction equipment for the U.S Army. In our spare time we would… Read More
03-049: Waiting for the Train – A Speech in Honour of the N.A.R.
January 15, 2006 Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to this informal celebration of the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the first passenger train from Edmonton to Dawson Creek. Before talking to you briefly about the Northern Alberta Railways and its part in Dawson Creek’s history, I would like to extend a special… Read More
BN03-01: Long Haul – The Push for Rocky Mountain Doubles
Recent History 1998Editorial by Mark Nielsen, Staff Writer, Peace River Block News, Nov. 25, 1998From the cute acronym to the funding source, the Canadians for Responsible and Safe Highways — otherwise known as CRASH — is a lobby group in the worst sense if there ever was one. For years, CRASH has posed as the… Read More
BN03-02: CJDC-TV Marks 40th Anniversary
Recent History 1999Condensed from an article by Mark Neilson and Day Roberts, Jan. 15, 1999 The medium was still in its infancy at that time, and bringing it to the Peace was a big risk. But like so many others, once H.L.” Hank” Michaud saw television he was hooked. In 1956, Michaud had returned to… Read More