The concert was organized by Mrs. Duncan, and the success of every number gives evidence of the high order of local talent on the Creek. Special mention might be made of the orchestra, consisting of piano, two violins and two mandolins, which rendered “The Old Mill Stream” in a very pleasing and happy manner.
The Rev. Buchanan, president of missions in Northern Alberta, gave a short address and expressed his surprise and pleasure at seeing so large and appreciative an audience assembled to hear good music. With such encouragement, it is hoped that this is only the first of many such pleasant gatherings.
The program was as follows:
Song, “O Canada”
Duet, “Silver Stars” Mr. & Mrs. Harper
Solo, “Christmas Carol” Mrs. Law
Mandolin & violin selection, “The Old Mill Stream”
L. & W. Harper, Mrs. Duncan, Miss Gibson and Mr. Cadona
Reading, Miss Piper
Violin Solo, “The Alpine Maid’s Sunday” Mrs. Duncan
Recitation, “The Private of the Buffs” Earl Harper
Piano Solo, “Valse Arabesque” Mrs. Harper
Vocal Duet, “Perfect Day” Mrs. Duncan & Mrs. Harper
Recitation, “The Walrus & the Carpenter” Miss Annie McKinnon
Mandolin Solo, “Faust Selection” Mr. Cadona
Vocal Solo, “O Dry Those Tears” Mrs. Duncan
Reading, Mrs. A. J. Law
Piano Solo, “Fifth Nocturne” Mr. L. Harper
Violin Selection, “Dreaming” Mrs. Duncan & Mr. Wilbur Harper
Recitation, “The Butterfly’s Fad” Earl Harper
Piano Duet, “Valse Bleu” Mr. & Mrs. Duncan
This concert was the first ever held on the Pouce Coupe Prairie and dates from a time before either the towns of Pouce Coupe or Dawson Creek were established.