S.J. Willis Esq., B.A., LL.D.,
Superintendent of Education,
Department of Education,
Dear Sir.
This letter is to supplement that of the 9th inst., in which I stated Inspector MacLeod’s decision regarding the establishment of a school in the Peavine District. I have now had time to look into the matter personally, and with reference to the enclosed petition from the settlers of the Peavine District, I respectfully beg to report that:
(1) The information contained in the petition regarding the number of children and distance from the present school is correct in all particulars.
(2) The statement that the Tupper Creek School is over-crowded is quite incorrect. I have just visited the Tupper Creek School and find that it has an average attendance of 17, a total enrollment of 19, and a seating capacity of 25.
(3) 10 of the children whose names are on the petition are at present enrolled in the Tupper Creek School. If they were to be taken from the Tupper Creek School and transferred to the suggested Peavine Lake School it would lower the number in the Tupper Creek School to such an extent that if one of the families moved out it might necessitate the closing of the school.
For the above reasons I respectfully beg to suggest that Mr. Anderson and Mr. Newman be thanked for their petition, and informed that when there are four more pupils of school age within three miles of the suggested school site outside the present Tupper Creek school district, their petition will be investigated further.
Since I have made copies of all letters, I am returning these to you for filing purposes.
Tupper Creek, BC
Feb. 24th, 1934
The people of Peavine District in meeting assembled for the purpose of petitioning the Department of Education for a school for this district.
Moved by Mr. Alex Anderson, Seconded by Mr. Reichert that Mr. E.Newman be Chairman. Moved by Mr. E.Newman, Seconded by Mr. Teibler that Mr. Alex Anderson be Secretary.
This matter was taken up with you last year with Mr. Harry Ramsey acting as Secretary giving all the facts relating to the number of children of school age and the distance they live from school, etc. The school they now attend in the Tupper Creek School District is overcrowded. The Central location for the children concerned is the SW 1/4 section 16, Township 27. The residents on south row of sections of the Tupper Creek School District wish to be transferred to this district, provided the school is built on the aforementioned section.
The last information Mr. Ramsey had was to the effect that the Inspector had been instructed to come and look into this matter, but as yet he has not arrived.
“Alex. Anderson” ,Sec.
“Edward Newman” ,Chairman.